
The Center for Educational Opportunity disseminates its research and project-related activities through a mix of print and electronic media. CEO publications such as books, chapters in edited volumes, articles in peer-reviewed journals, policy briefs and working papers can be accessed through this website.

How Are the Children? Annual Report 2019

“Schools in underserved, under resourced communities—which are often racially and spatially insulated from opportunities—struggle to meet the needs of students from low income neighborhoods….While many scholars, myself included, have researched that one’s zip code in urban areas should not determine students’ access to opportunity, the same is true for students in rural areas.”

Rethinking Recruitment

Black boys face disproportionate challenges in elementary education. They are more likely to be placed in special education programs, attain lower levels of achievement, and experience higher rates of suspension and expulsion (Gregory & Fergus, 2017; Nance, 2016; Schott, 2015; USDOE, 2019). To reduce these disparities, researchers cite the need for more culturally responsive classroom environments (Husband, 2012; Noguera, 2012; Toldson, Brown, & Sutton, 2009). Central to culturally-responsive classrooms are teachers who are willing to care for Black boys, draw upon their cultural assets, plan lessons with high levels of vigorous activity, display warmth and control, and demand high expectations of performance (Rashid, 2009).

A Sacred Space: 12 Expert Teachers Share Stories of Resilience, Success and Leadership

The offer was $20. He was offered $20 to read the book and follow up with a summary of what he had read. The offer placed on the table was proposed by his teacher, who felt that all other avenues to persuade him to read the book had been exhausted. She wanted  him to read not only to improve his reading skills but also because the chosen novel was the powerful coming of age story by Walter Dean Myers, one to which his teacher thought he might be able to relate.

Harambee: Let’s All Pull Together Annual Report 2020

Albany State University Center for Educational Opportunity Annual Report 2020

Inquiry, Equity and Impact: An Assessment of Educational Opportunity in Southwest Georgia

Inquiry, Equity, and Impact: An Assessment of Educational Opportunity in Southwest Georgia compiles data from multiple sources, including the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, Georgia Department of Education, Georgia Department of Student Affairs, and the US Census. The authors sought to highlight trends where disparities exist and illuminate barriers to educational opportunity by examining five indicators: Student Performance, Teacher Diversity, Rates of Discipline, Funding, and Digital Access across the Center’s 27-county service area in Southwest Georgia.