Center for Educational Opportunity Welcomes Summer Interns to Virtual Research Internship Program

The Albany State University Center for Educational Opportunity (CEO) is proud to welcome its 2020 summer interns. As the COVID-19 global health crisis looms, the health, well being and education of our community remains our top priority. Consequently, the CEO is offering a fully-remote internship program.

We are pleased to provide internships to the following students (pictured left to right):

Alanna Beasley, Spelman College – Economics

Jamilah Hawkins; Albany State University – Education

Jasmine Prier; Albany State University – Computer Science

Kayla Kirkland-Johnson; Spelman College – Education

The eight-week virtual internship will run June 1–July 23, 2020,  and will allow students to engage in research activities that focus on K-12 educational opportunities in fragile communities and the economics of education.

Internship activities will include:

  • Exploring educational choice among families living in fragile communities
  • Exploring economic options available to families living in fragile communities
  • Writing op-eds
  • Developing a ‘working’ manuscript focusing on educational opportunities, access, models, and innovation
  • Participation in weekly virtual meetings on relevant topics
  • Attending professional learning sessions on research methods and writing
  • Working closely with faculty research mentors
  • Presentation of research findings at undergraduate symposia 

“We greatly value the fresh perspectives and problem-solving ability that undergraduate student researchers bring to the table,” said CEO Founding Director Dr. Kathaleena Edward Monds. “What’s more, an essential part of our mission is to help build and diversify the research pipeline through coaching and mentoring.”

Evidence shows that undergraduate research experiences enhance students’ confidence, inquiry and analysis, while also improving their graduate school and career prospects. 

The Center for Educational Opportunity was established on April 13, 2018. As a research center, our aim is to support outcomes-based, impact research with a focus on four pillars: educational opportunity, educational models, educational innovations and educational access and a mission to advance educational researcher in order to strengthen and empower fragile communities from the bottom up.